Asylum applications in the European Union rose 18% from last year, to reach 100,000, according to the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). Czechia, Estonia and Lithuania faced the highest number of applicants.
Syrians and Afghans led the way with 18,000 and 11,000 asylum applications respectively, marking a 53% increase compared to the previous year. Germany remains the top destination for asylum seekers among EU+ countries, receiving over 30,000 applications (30% of the total). While France, Spain, Italy, and Cyprus received around one application per 1,000 inhabitants, Czechia hosted approximately 35 beneficiaries per 1,000 inhabitants, followed by Estonia with 27 and Lithuania with 26. The EUAA suggests that asylum authorities are under pressure and recommends countries take measures to tackle irregular migration.
In addition to asylum applications, 4.2 million people received temporary protection in EU countries as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The recognition rate for asylum applications stood at 44% in August 2023, with over 720,000 cases awaiting a decision at the first instance in EU countries. The increase in asylum applications is attributed to a growing number of asylum seekers from different countries, mainly Syrians, Afghans, and Turkish nationals, seeking refuge in Germany and other EU nations.