Poland – On Friday, September 29, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Poland will uphold a “strong veto” on a European Union migration pact, as the Union is trying to reach an agreement on a new system for sharing out asylum seekers who entered illegally the Schengen zone.
“The European Commission still wants to implement the migration pact,” he said. “Part of this migration pact is to include accepting illegal immigrants based on forced relocation or paying huge sums for them,” PM Morawiecki explained.
“Not only did the PiS government never agree to this, which we expressed in 2018 with a strong veto, but it also maintained this strong veto at the previous meeting and we will at today’s meeting,” he told the press before the meeting of the European Council.
“We are at a turning point that will determine how Polish borders and Polish sovereignty will be treated in the future,” added the prime minister.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stated at the end of the summit on Wednesday that the agreement had been “a big success”. “This was an important piece of the puzzle of the whole puzzle of the Migration and Asylum pact”, she added.
Poland and Hungary hand in hand to fight the Commission
After the approval of the migration pact by most of EU member states on October 4, Poland can count again on Hungary to condemn this immigrationnist scheme. “The agreement on migration, politically, it’s impossible – not today or generally speaking for the next years,” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
“Because legally we are, how to say it – we are raped. So if you are raped legally, forced to accept something what you don’t like, how would you like to have a compromise?” argued PM Orbán.
“The European elites are trying to impose their position and ideological approach to the issue of migration on European nations,” said President Andrzej Duda, quoted by Polish public service TVP. “We will defend our position and defend our borders.”
“Why should we agree to this diktat from Brussels and Berlin?” asked PM Morawiecki, wuoted by TVN. “For the last ten years, Germans have been wrong on all the most important matters in which it was possible to be wrong… including through their policy of inviting tens of millions of immigrants.”
A national referendum on migration to be held on election day
With just a few days to go before the elections of October 15, the PiS-lead government is facing a worrying situation in the polls.
Migration has been of the main topics for the ruling conservative party since 2015, with the massive influx of illegals to the Schengen zone through the Balkans, and later at its own border with Belarus.
Ruling PiS has decided to hold referendums on four key issues on the same day than the parliamentary elections. Those issues include “compulsory solidarity” for migrant relocation as part of the planned European Union Migration Pact and the presence of a fence along the border with Belarus to stop the influx of illegal immigrants.