The Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region, with its rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes, is home to numerous...
The renaissance of traditional music in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is a vibrant and significant cultural phenomenon, marking a...
In the heart of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where time often seems to stand still amidst rolling countryside and...
Polish carriers are blocking truck traffic at the three main checkpoints - Yahodyn, Rava-Ruska, and Krakivets - causing queues at...
Cultural festivals in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) offer a vibrant window into the region's diverse heritage, showcasing a rich...
The historical theatres of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are experiencing a cultural revival, reflecting a renewed interest in preserving...
The resurgence of independent bookstores in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is a heartening trend in an era where digital...
The craft beer scene in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is experiencing a renaissance, marked by a surge in microbreweries,...
Tartu University archaeologists have studied the transition from hunter-gatherer to farming society in the northeast Baltic region. The study reveals...
The museums of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are embarking on an ambitious journey of digitization, transforming the way cultural...
Dofinansowano ze środków z budżetu państwa ogólna rezerwa budżetowa.
Zadanie: Rozwój działań Centrum Medialnego Fundacji Action-Life
zostało sfinansowane ze środków budżetu państwa
z ogólnej rezerwy budżetowej.
2 481 140,00 zł.
Całkowita wartość zadania:
2 481 140,00 zł.
Data podpisania umowy: 3.04.2023 r.