The bi-annual Iron Spear competition, held at Adazi military base in Latvia, brings together the Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battle...
In the chronicles of European energy politics, the saga of Nord Stream 2 has unfurled as a contentious chapter, one...
Led by Marijan Krpan, President of the Croatian Hydrocarbon Agency (AZU), a recent Round Table in Croatia focused on sustainability,...
Blasts were detected by seismologists from the NORSAR institute at the time of the October 8 severance of the Balticconnector...
Poland has long been seeking to reduce its dependence on Russia for its natural gas supply. With the opening of...
The Serbian government has recently approved the construction of a new gas pipeline, which will give the country access to...
Romania – One of the main concerns of the energy transition in Central and Eastern Europe is to considerably reduce...
Romania’s number of prosumers - that is, a consumer whose cottage industry or work activity causes them to consume a...
Bulgaria has introduced a high transit fee for Russian gas that passes through its territory, which will significantly affect Greece....
In a similar vein to many national European energy policies, Serbia’s gas prices will remain frozen until May 2024 following...
Dofinansowano ze środków z budżetu państwa ogólna rezerwa budżetowa.
Zadanie: Rozwój działań Centrum Medialnego Fundacji Action-Life
zostało sfinansowane ze środków budżetu państwa
z ogólnej rezerwy budżetowej.
2 481 140,00 zł.
Całkowita wartość zadania:
2 481 140,00 zł.
Data podpisania umowy: 3.04.2023 r.