Javier Benegas (b. 1965) is a Spanish political analyst and writer, co-founder of the Spanish daily Vozpópuli, of which he...
Pedro Fernández Barbadillo (Bilbao, 1965) holds a PhD in Public Law from the Universidad San Pablo CEU and a Master's...
Miklós Lukács de Pereny (Lima, 1975) is a British-Hungarian-Peruvian scholar working at the intersections of Politics, Philosophy, and Science, Technology...
Ben Sixsmith is an English writer. He has written for Quillette, Areo, The Catholic Herald, The American Conservative and Arc Digital on a variety of topics including...
Pedro Fernández Barbadillo (Bilbao, 1965) holds a PhD in Public Law from the Universidad San Pablo CEU and a Master's...
Ben Sixsmith is an English writer. He has written for Quillette, Areo, The Catholic Herald, The American Conservative and Arc Digital on a variety of topics including...
Javier Benegas (b. 1965) is a Spanish political analyst and writer, co-founder of the Spanish daily Vozpópuli, of which he...
Javier Benegas (b. 1965) is a Spanish political analyst and writer, co-founder of the Spanish daily Vozpópuli, of which he...
Miklós Lukács de Pereny (Lima, 1975) is a British-Hungarian-Peruvian scholar working at the intersections of Politics, Philosophy, and Science, Technology...
According to a 2016 report published in the Journal of Ecology a combination of Ash Dieback Disease and the Emerald...
Dofinansowano ze środków z budżetu państwa ogólna rezerwa budżetowa.
Zadanie: Rozwój działań Centrum Medialnego Fundacji Action-Life
zostało sfinansowane ze środków budżetu państwa
z ogólnej rezerwy budżetowej.
2 481 140,00 zł.
Całkowita wartość zadania:
2 481 140,00 zł.
Data podpisania umowy: 3.04.2023 r.