Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico appeared at the Kremlin, where he held discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A video of their meeting surfaced online, showing the two leaders in conversation. According to earlier announcements, the head of the Bratislava government traveled to Russia to discuss the issue of continued gas transit from Russia following Ukraine’s recent decisions. This marks the first in-person meeting between the two politicians in eight years.
News of the Slovak Prime Minister’s arrival at the Kremlin was first reported by Pavel Zarubin, a representative of Russian state television. On social media, Zarubin shared a brief video showing Vladimir Putin and Robert Fico seated in armchairs. Minutes later, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the talks had commenced. Peskov also revealed that the meeting had been planned for several days, with discussions set to focus on international affairs and gas transit issues.
Fico’s visit to Moscow has been met with widespread criticism from European leaders.