Rubén Herrero de Castro, PhD, Professor of International Relations, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain),
“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.” (G.K. Chesterton)
For many years now, the European Union has abandoned its initial design focused on the defense and promotion of the Christian humanist values that brought our civilization to its maximum splendor. For many years now, too many years now, Europe has turned its back on the strong gods of beauty, truth, justice, decency and freedom. A luminous hour of wits and honor was replaced by a sinister time of pygmies.
The European Union, as the result of a spurious alliance between socialists and Christian Democrats, has ceased to be a beacon of freedom to embrace first the falsehoods of cultural Marxism and then the farce of woke thinking. Critical thinking, which is key to human advancement, has been replaced by political correctness. Science, fundamental because it provides the right coordinates through which knowledge and society passes, is today replaced by subjective perceptions of scientific facts and an endless list of superstitions and dark thoughts.
The European Union is committing suicide live:
-With an insane promotion of the culture of death, abortion and euthanasia, which annihilates our present and our future. The architects of death have one goal, to wipe out the native Europeans.
-With an acceptance of the crazed thesis of gender, which annihilates the singularity of man and woman. A biological question, the existence of two sexes, which admits of no logical argument to the contrary, has been denied and is propagated by degenerates without any scientific training. Even Maths, as Chesterton forecasted, are currently questioned under the distorted lens of gender.
-With an irresponsible migration policy, which opens the doors of Europe to barbarians and criminals, causing an unprecedented security crisis in Europe. Waves of rape in Germany and Sweden, exponential increase in crime throughout Europe, implantation of jihadism in Europe involving the training and recruitment of terrorists, as well as an incessant trickle of terrorist acts.
-With an uncritical acceptance of the concept of integration, which provokes cultural replacement, where our values and customs are replaced by barbaric habits and where the native European population is gradually replaced by a foreign population that should never have arrived in Europe.
-With a blind acceptance of a climate apocalypse that has compromised our energy security, entrusting our energy supply to Russia and to non-accumulative green energies, to the detriment of nuclear energy, which is a safe, cheap, clean and accumulative source.
This whole diabolical scheme has for its object the destruction of the homeland, the individual and the natural family, a school of life. The best thing that Europe has produced, and led this continent to be a beacon of civilization, is the goal of globalism and woke thinking whose standard-bearer is George Soros’ sinister Open Society corporation.
The whole of Europe seems to have gone mad and surrendered. All of it? No, fortunately two countries are resisting in an exemplary way in this Europe of the pharisees, Poland and Hungary. It would be unfair not to mention also the group of four countries known as Visegrad 4, as well as all the patriotic political formations resisting in all the countries of Europe. No one will be able to forget the Polish resistance to Nazism and of both countries to communism, just as no one should forget the defense of Europe’s borders by Poles and Hungarians, every time they stop waves of barbarians trying to penetrate Europe.
The European Union has on several occasions tried to blackmail two honorable leaders such as Andrzej Duda and Viktor Orban, as well as punish their respective countries with unfair sanctions. Fortunately, the spirit of the “days of anger” in Budapest and the polish union, Solidarity, is unconquerable. Parties such as Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość – PiS) in Poland and Fidesz in Hungary, show the way forward and have found the recipe for the magic potion in terms of patriotism, society, energy, economy, birth rate, decency and dignity, to resist in these iron times and win. Then the time of the pygmies will end, the strong gods will return, and Europe will be great again.
Rubén Herrero de Castro, Political Science and International Relations PhD., Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He collaborates with various media, contributes with several chapters in scientific works, is an author in several scientific publications and to date has written three books:
-Invented reality. Perceptions and decision-making process in Foreign Policy (prologue by Robert Jervis), Plaza and Valdés 2007
-John F. Kenney and Vietnam: The Fall of Camelot, Plaza and Valdés 2011
-Allies. Transatlantic Relations: Security and Images of the 21st Century, Plaza and Valdés 2015.